Begin Web Programming With PHP & MySQL

About the Book

“Begin Web Programming With PHP & MySQL” is a book that provides an introduction to the basics of web programming using the PHP server side language, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and the MySQL database management system.

The book covers topics such as setting up a development environment, data types and variables, loops and control structures, functions, arrays, form processing, and working with MySQL databases. It also includes a number of hands-on exercises and examples to help readers practice and apply what they have learned.

Begin Web Programming With PHP and MySQL

Contents of the Book

  • Introduction to Web
  • Fundamentals of HTML
  • Cascading Style Sheets
  • JavaScript
  • Programming with PHP
  • MySQL
  • Set up PHP on Local Machine
  • JavaScript Practice Programs
  • PHP Practice Programs

Features of the book

  1. Covers important topics in web programming using PHP.
  2. Tested and verified each program in the book.
  3. Included possible examples associated with the principles.
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